Sunflowers and Pinecones - The individual florets of the sunflower (and of the daisy as well) grow in two spirals extending out from the center in opposite directions. The first spiral has 21 arms, while the other has 34. These are Fibonacci numbers, and have the Golden Ratio. Similarly, pinecones have 5 and 8 arms, or 8 and 13 arms depending on their size. This arrangement has been identified as the most efficient way of filling the space on the pinecone with seeds.

Daisies - Most daisies have 21, 34, 55, or 89 petals - all Fibonacci numbers.

Spiral Growth - The Golden Angle, also derived from the Golden Ratio, approximates to 137.51°. This is often the angle found between successive florets or leaves, in spiral growth.

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